Cockburn's launches MOSTO Artist Residency programme

Symington Family Estates - 2024-05-22

Cockburn's has announced MOSTO: its first ever artist-in-residence programme, based at Quinta dos Canais in the Douro Superior.

Named after grape musts (the fermenting juice of freshly crushed grapes), the programme will invite emerging contemporary artists to undertake a two week residency at Cockburn's principal estate, providing an inspiring space for ideas to ferment and for each artist to create something to leave behind for future visitors.

The first residency has recently taken place with last year's Cockburn's Street Art Competition winner, Gavin Renshaw, creating a series of sketches and paintings. To find out more about his experience and how to apply, follow Cockburn's on Instagram.

Text by Symington Family Estates · Published 2024-05-22
© Symington Family Estates

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